Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My new suggestion for airlines

Dear Airlines,

I have a promotions idea for you.

You see, I'm now a mom. And try as I might to prepare for a trip, it always seems that I end up harried and running through the airport with a lot less sleep than I prefer. We've traveled enough that you would think I would have it down, but someone (usually of short stature) always throws a wrench (or toy truck) in my plans.

And since most of the flights we are on have the 3-3 seat configuration (you know, 3 seats on each side) I always end up sitting between two very excited kids. I think my kids are adorable, but I'm not sure the rest of the plane does. I do my best to continually bribe them with apple juice and Cheetos, but the whole adventure is exhausting to me.

Then I look over to my dear husband, who has usually had a full night of un-interrupted sleep, as he sits calmly across the aisle (technically he is sitting with us, but really, that aisle can seem like a mile at times) and I think crazy things.

This time, my dream was first class. Upgrade me not the random guy from 27F! Let my well-rested husband help kids with headphones and bubble gum for 2 hours! I realize this is a far-fetched dream, for all the upgrades are reserved for Elite Premium whatever status people. But that fantasy is just enough for me to tune out the siblings fighting over Angry Birds.

I would think I was totally crazy for thinking this at all, but as I'm begging a certain two-yr old to WALK PLEASE, do not sit on the people mover, an airline attendant walks by us. She admits that she has a 2-yr old and she thinks airlines should pay moms for flying with their children.

I can't say I disagree, especially because I'm now yelling to not LICK anything in the airport.

Ah, a girl can dream, can't she?

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