Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The drum set

If we are lucky we will soon get a video of 6'5" Mike on the mini drum set too :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Are corn dogs junk food?

Walking back from the beach, Robert was waiting for his corn dog (aka favorite food) to cool.

Robert: Mommy, are corn dogs junk food?

He knows the answer because we talk about it nearly every day since he requests to eat corn dogs nearly every day.

Me: Yes, Robert, they are.

Robert: Why?

Me: Because they don't have very many vitamins in them. Unlike broccoli, or apples.

Robert: But they do! They have vitamins in them, that's what makes them so delicious.

Me: Reeaaaallllyyyy

Robert: Yes, teeny tiny little vitamins in them make them taste good. Teeny tiny itsy bitsy vitamins.

How can you argue that the vitamins in corn dogs are teeny tiny?

Monday, December 20, 2010

The beach adventures continues

Zoe, totally happy because....

she is totally naked, at a public beach.

And here I am, building sandcastles by myself, while my kids frolic and laugh that I am doing the work for them.

Zoe smashing sandcastles, while Robert has a suspicious handful of sand
And perhaps the best family photo we have ever taken, courtesy of the Speedo-wearing, barely-spoke-English, European man.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Ah... the beach

Holy moly! It's been a busy month. For those terribly interested in our travel plans, we are now in the lovely Ft. Myers Beach.

Here's a few pics from our morning

Zoe and her favorite activity- coloring, thank you Crayola for the 'wonder markers'

Waaaahhhh! A pelican!

Robert gives me the 'stink eye' probably because I refused to let him eat only 3 lbs of ham for the day.