Friday, August 5, 2011

Days to remember

Some days you know you will remember. Big events, weddings and what not, are a gimme. But I find there are many other days, that burn a lasting impression in your brain. For me, I'm currently just getting over "The Most Disgusting Day Ever #2."

I will say, as awfully disgusting as yesterday was, I'm not sure if it was enough to upset the post-Vegas clean up day of 2011. Maybe you remember it too. I know I always will.

Back to yesterday. It started great. A friend gave me the great idea to trade the seldom used pacifier of Zoe's for a new baby doll. Great idea I thought! Let's go! Off to Toys R Us! What fun this will be!

And it happened. We are wandering happily down an aisle in the nearly empty toy store, and Zoe says, "Mommy, poo." Oh good land. I pick her up and RUN to the restroom while calling over my shoulder to Robert. But it was not fast enough (running was never a strength of mine.)

I remember the 1st time we stayed in a hotel with Robert. We were staying 2 nights, and I had taken him 3 sets of pj's. We went through all 3 sets the first night. And as I was changing him on the couch in our room, that little boy pulled the classic boy move. So if you've ever wondered how anyone could get pee on a couch in a hotel room, I can answer that.

Now, thanks to Zoe, I can answer another burning question. How in the world did THAT get on the bathroom wall?! We made it to the restroom, but after that was a total complete disaster. On her clothes, shoes, the floor, the toilet, the walls... I can't even describe it. I thought I was going to pass out. And of course, meanwhile Robert is standing outside the door yelling, "EWWW STINKY!!" I wiped nearly the entire stall down with toilet paper, then took a naked Zoe to the sink where I washed her down head to foot with foam soap. Of course there are only hand dryers, no paper towels, so the dripping wet Zoe stood under the dryer with instructions to Robert to keep the motion activated dryer blowing.

It's a proud day in a girl's life when she has to wash a child down in the Toy's R Us sink. At least I can pat myself on the back for having the full change of clothes, including shoes, in the car. I left that store a complete hot sweaty mess. Literally.

We made it home, and off to attempt nap-time sans-pacifier (we did trade for the new ballerina doll after all.) As Zoe finally settles down, she rolls over and... vomits. Okay, I am not a puker. I can count the times in my life that I have thrown up. I just don't do it. Neither does Robert. Zoe, on the other hand, can look at food wrong and throw up apparently. And she did. Right after lunch, which makes it all so much worse.

Now, I'm thinking the bath in the sink earlier wasn't enough anyway, so I put Zoe in the shower with Robert assigned to supervise (sure, this may be a lot to ask of a 4 yr old, but my child is exceptional. At least in my eyes :) And I proceed to clean up Zoe's room. There are so many things you need to know as a mom, but I wish I had never learned the best way to clean up vomit sheets.

Here is my outfit from yesterday. I wish I had worn the bandana to Toy's R Us. I could have used it.
On top of this, Zoe also dumped an entire bottle of sprinkles on the floor. In case you have never noticed, cleaning up sprinkles takes a special approach. The tiny balls roll on tile, and even after you're best efforts you will be cleaning them up for weeks. And stepping on them.

The kids also 'helped' me peel and cut carrots (hey- I knew it was coming by now, but I was so worn out I encouraged it.) My kitchen was covered in carrot shred. Honestly, at this point I prefer the carrot to the other messes of the day.

Then Zoe slips in the living room. You have no reason to slip in the living room unless the floor is wet. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she was trying to empty the little potty herself, because there were puddles through the living room, the foyer, the hallway... and it was all trailed by little footprints.

Most days I could laugh it off as a big mess day. Yesterday, it was not happening. Later that evening, Jeff came home and mentioned that the resort he may stay in if he goes to Beijing for work looks really nice. He's lucky I didn't punch him. I love that guy.

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