Friday, August 19, 2011

Days 15-17

Day 15 of triple digit temperatures set a record.

Day 16 of triple digit temps and I was seriously considering living life as a hermit. Well, a hermit with high speed internet who maybe makes outings early in the morning or late at night. At 6pm of Day 16, I felt the warm air. And I knew what was happening. I could also guarantee that after 16 days of triple digits, that I wasn’t the only one. And we would be waiting for ‘the call.’

We went to the YMCA, we went to lunch, we went to friend’s houses. Anywhere that had functioning A/C and a air temp below 85F. Because Day 17 was no day for me to be sweating. I’m sweated out (if that’s possible.) I’m not Southern and I’m HOT (not in a good way, in a stinky, post-workout way.)

As if it were planned, just to make a better story, my window of time to wait for ‘the call’ was from 3-7p. This is also the hottest, and sunniest, time of the day. Have I mentioned how much I miss clouds? And rain?

We waited. We waited. We waited. We sat in front of the window unit our neighbors loaned us. Robert and Zoe happily watched TV in their underwear.

I have 2 kids. I can take a complete shower in 3 minutes. I gave the kids dinner on the couch with the TV on and went to take my 3 minute shower. I even set my phone right beside the shower, so I wouldn’t miss ‘the call.’

Hair soaped, hair rinsed, and Robert runs into the bathroom with a package yelling, “You got a present mommy!” I’m not a paranoid person. Except with my kids. It’s just that they are so incredibly mischievous when no one is looking. I jump out of the shower, grab a towel, and run dripping through the house after Robert and Zoe.

Then my two little underwear-clad children are on the front porch. And so is someone else. You guessed it, the A/C man. As I stand soaking wet in my front foyer, with the front door hanging open, my adorable children in their Phineas & Ferb and Nemo undies bounce happily around the A/C man.

There was no call. It was 6:40p. I should have known.

Day 17 was the day we replaced the part I will forever call 'The Flux Capacitor' and the day my A/C guy will probably not forget.


  1. Nice! Way to fill your bucket, Erica! (Because surely you made AC man's day!) :D

  2. I'm sure you gave the a/c guy a thrill. :)
