Sunday, February 14, 2010

Let's go way back, to 2009. We'll refer to it as the great coin incident. If you're not familiar, it involved a quarter, a nickel, a plasma TV playing the part of mistaken piggy bank, and an $800 repair bill.

More recently, an unknown amount of coins have appeared in the tape deck of the car. I'm hoping that no one ever wants to play tapes anymore, so it doesn't matter.

Yesterday was Jeff's birthday. About a week ago, Robert was scouring the most recent toy catalog. He came across a piggy bank and says (unprompted by me,) "Daddy wants that piggy bank for his birthday."

A few days later, I ask Robert, "What should we get daddy for his birthday?"

"A piggy bank"

I ask again, later. Same answer. Next day, same answer. All week, same answer.

So we went out and bought daddy a piggy bank. For his 38th birthday, my husband got a piggy bank (it is high- tech, it even counts and tallies the change for you.)

I can't wait to see what we will get him when he turns 40. Robert will be 4, so I'm sure by then he will come up with something really grand :)

Hopefully, the plethora of piggy banks around will save us from having another great coin incident.

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