Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ah, blogger, good to see you in English.

In monkey news, Robert made it through his first dentist appointment with no cavities. I, however, do have a cavity. So I'm doing a better job of brushing a wiggling 2 yr old's teeth than my own.

Our flight home, before I forget...

We flew through Florence. Florence is a fairly small town. Jeff says the airport is a redneck Italian version of the Ft. Wayne airport. Ha! Anyway, I'm not even sure they have actual gates, you just walk out a door and a mini-bus takes you to a plane. You walk through this tiny old red neck airport (plastered with GE ads by the way), go up the escalator and there, in all it's gleaming beauty, is Ferragamo. You're not going to see that anywhere else.

And this is the problem with Italian fashion. I am far from a fashionista, we all know this. Half of my wardrobe is from Target, since it's the easiest and washable. But in Italy... oh my. Of course I want a Gucci bag. Who makes those shoes? I think I need a new jacket. A girl could get into trouble in a place like that. Anytime a redneck airport has a Ferragamo store, you're in trouble.

Of course our flight from Florence was delayed (they're really not in a hurry there, they have great coffee which is all the more reason to sit and enjoy it. I guess the caffeine doesn't do much for them.) And if you know Charles de Gaulle airport at all, you know that you need a tour guide to get through it. Buses, trains, escalators. Usually the bus you get one drives in a circle at least once (are they lost? Where are they taking you?!) This is not good if you are about to miss a flight.

As we are running (literally) through the airport, I hear an announcement. I glance to the left and see our name up on the screen. That can't be good. But we make it, along with a few others from the same flight.

Snowfall in Paris is beautiful. Unless of course, it is at the airport and you were hoping to fly. Our pilot just came on with an announcement, first in French. I know enough French to get myself into trouble or know when we are totally screwed. This was a totally screwed kind of announcement.

Translation? We had heavy snow here so we’ve been delayed. We are in line for de-icing of the wings, and I have no idea how long it will be.

I have no idea. That’s what he said. We are about to begin an 9 hr transatlantic flight with 2 hours (just my guess, of course, since our captain has no idea) of sitting on the plane waiting for the efficient French airport to de-ice planes. I will also mention that the sun is now shining and all the snow is completely melted.

And after my little bout of food poisoning, I had one beautiful day. Then runny nose, sore throat and congestion. So I’m sitting happily on the VERY back of a plane, slightly miserable and wishing for some Ricola. So glad I ran to catch this flight. If I'm ever allowed out of the country again, I'm bringing Benadryl for myself!

Alright, my alone time for the day is over. Unless I lock myself in the bathroom.

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