A little background to the story- Jeff grew up in Northern Indiana. I'm pretty sure they get snow in FEET. I'm also pretty sure they see below freezing for, well, what seems like forever to me.
Last night, we walk out the door from dinner and Jeff says, BRRR. We turn a corner. S*^$! It's freezing balls cold! Another corner. More cursing. Down a street. F*&#! I'm cold!
You know, it was cold. Like 30F cold, not like -10F cold, which you would have thought from the cursing. Wuss.
Then we pass McDonald's. They have a flag outside that says, "ti nivol mi."
Jeff "Is that Italian for I'm Lovin' it?"
Me "Noooo, that's ENGLISH backwards." (the freezing balls cold wind had blown the flag)
Obviously, the Montepulciano has gone to his head. He is cut off. Chianti only from now on.
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