8am. Robert starts insisting that we drive ALL THE WAY to Colorado before stopping again.
2pm. Set up camp at Abiquiu Lake, New Mexico. Views from campsite are amazing, but stakes for tent are not so amazing. Jeff and Robert position large rocks over stakes, as well as inside tent corners.
2:30pm. Take exceptionally road-trip cranky kids for a swim in the exceptionally cold lake.
3:02pm. Are those clouds black?! Do you see the dust rolling like a tornado?!
3:11pm. Tent blows over into a tree, upside down, despite the 150 lbs of gear and rocks inside.
3:31pm. Robert runs excitedly around our trashed tent, singing the Darth Vadar theme song... which for once is strangely appropriate.
3:45pm. Begin bribing kids with chocolate and cookies to get them back in the car instead of eating dirt at the campground.
4pm. Pack up the car, and begin heading north toward Colorado. Again. Also fulfilling Robert's one wish of the day- to get to Colorado.
4:59pm. On the phone with a hotel for the night, now that we've lugged camping gear across 3 states.
5pm. Zoe's first nosebleed. She is now wearing only a Princess Leia tee-shirt and underwear, and is covered in campground dirt, cookie crumbs, chocolate and blood.
5:11pm. Zoe's second nosebleed. She then cries, "I want to go home!"
5:15pm. Enter Colorado. Kids start cheering. I attempt to get the cheers on video. Here's what I get instead
6pm. I sneak a dirty, covered in chocolate and blood Zoe in through the side door of the hotel and straight into a bath. Although I'm not sure the girl at the front with dreads and a the Kermit the Frog tee would have minded.
6:15pm. Zoe starts singing, "I feel better! So much better!" while Robert bounces back and forth between the two beds.
6:20pm. Robert says (of the mediocre, aging hotel,) "This department is REALLY nice."
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