File this under, "Things Erica didn't expect with children."
I'm sick of thinking about sleep. I'm tired of being tired, thinking about being tired, or wondering if tomorrow I will still be tired.
I'm done reading books about sleep and wondering if the children in these books are from another planet. I don't want to think about how if I'm not in bed by 9p, my chances of getting 8 hrs of sleep are zilch.
I don't want to think about whether my child should still be napping, or whether the other child should be woken up. I don't care about the best combination of foods to promote sleep. Is overtired possible?! I DON'T CARE.
Are the kids too hot? Too cold? Too tired? Not tired enough? Need a different bedtime routine? How much white noise is enough? Should their pajamas be all cotton? How much pee can a size 4 diaper really hold? Can a child have restless leg syndrome (why in the world will they not just hold still and close their eyes?!)
And most importantly... if I feed them dinner exactly 1.5 hrs before bed, then they take a 23 minute warm bath, read 1.7 books, then we all walk backwards in circles and lay down on our left sides and throw salt over our shoulders... can we just all sleep 8 hours?