Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lessons from the Holiday Season

Looking through all those holiday photos reminded me that I did manage to learn a few things last year.

1. If your 4 yr old boy asks for a specific battle boat only found in a magazine, and you go to your local Target and buy a battle boat that you think is MUCH cooler (as well as $10 plus S+H less), he will probably still ask for the other battle boat 2 months later.

2. If your 2 yr old daughter asks for a pink baby doll, and you go to her room and pick out an old baby doll which you then hide for 2 weeks before buying new pink clothes for the baby and wrapping it up for Christmas, your daughter will never know or seem to care.

3. If you're at a party, and your 2 yr old says her throat hurts, you should probably listen. Then if you think she might throw up, and your not sure where to run, outside would probably be best. Then you won't have to clean someone else's floor in the middle of a party. Also, you won't have to roll your eyes when someone else suggests that you should have taken her outside (because you'll wish they had said that EARLIER, and it's not like I want to teach my daughter to puke in the bushes anyway.) AND you should also realize that the really cute dress you got suckered into buying at full price and that got puked on will say hand wash only, but it will have sat on top of the washer all night wrapped in a Target bag and there is no way you're even going to attempt to hand wash it.

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