Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A proud day

First, my dear Robert.

Day after day, the extremely patient ladies manning the childwatch at the YMCA report to me that Robert is building guns. Since the Y is a no weapons place, even fake guns made of building blocks built by 4 yr old boys are not allowed.

Robert stopped building guns, but started building things called "Scorpion Throwers" and "Shirkers" and other things that resemble guns and make Pew-Pew noises.

So we had the talk. The one where I tell him not to build anything that looks like a gun, smells like a gun, acts like a gun or is weapon of any kind. INCLUDING things that make pew-pew noises but have odd sounding names (I'm on to this child.)

Next time I pick him up, I ask,  "Robert, did you make a gun?'

"No mommy."

"Did it make pew-pew noises?" (Because the ladies at the Y say he is still making guns.)

"No. It went Psha-Psha."

Uh-huh. And we have 'the talk' AGAIN.

Today, Robert says he wants to go to the Y to build something. Okay my dear Robert, what are you going to build? His response?

"It will have Drinking Technology. And taste like pineapple. AND have big MEGA vitamins that makes people go to the hospital and come back super heroes."

Hmmm. Clearly this is more like a vaccine and less like a weapon, right? I can only hope the ladies did not notice. And my plan might have worked, if Robert had not come running up to me with ANOTHER child who was also carrying a.... scorpion catcher. Great. He's assembling a mutiny.

And my lovely Zoe.

The girl managed to throw up into the toilet for the first time. I would be proud, since this significantly cuts down my laundry duties, except I think she may be avoiding bedtime. Hard to argue with throw up though.

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